full moon

Photo Details:

Date & Time: 2009:07:07 18:00:05
Camera: Canon EOS 40D
Focal length: 400mm
Aperture: f/8.0
Shutter speed: 1/500
ISO: 100
Exposure program: Manual
White balance: Auto white balance
Purchase: Express your interest


I noticed it was a full moon so I decided to see what kind of a photo I could get of the moon with my trusty 40D and 400mm lens.

I'm reasonably happy with the result, although I wish there was a bit more clarity and detail in the moon. Then again, it is a camera and not a telescope :)

This is almost a 100% crop of the original image.
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At 8:55am on the 17/07/2009, Tim said:

That's bloody awesome. Fantastic detail for a camera!

At 9:36am on the 24/07/2009, t said:

i love this pic.